Monday 11 June 2012

What can i doooo? Hair Loss


Can I get a test to tell me if I'm going to go bald?

You can't really test as to whether you're going to go bald. If you are losing hair, there are tests that you can have which will tell you why you're going bald. These are usually blood tests.

Is hair loss hereditary?

Hair loss can occasionally be hereditary. It depends on many aspects but if the health conditions that cause hair loss are hereditary, we have such things as thyroid glands can upset the hair growth. Thyroid gland problems are often caused by hereditary conditions. They don't trigger themselves. It comes through the family quite often. But there are many forms of hair loss that are not hereditary.

Can hereditary hair loss be reversed or slowed down?

Hereditary hair loss in the form of male pattern baldness can be slowed down in certain circumstances, provided it's caught early in its falling stages. Once the hair is gone completely then nothing can be done. Where hair loss is caused by a female pattern, that can often be reversed. Other conditions that are causing hair loss, such as dietary conditions, can most definitely be reversed if the dietary condition is rectified.

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