There are a number of factors that cause product build up on hair:

- Infrequent washing
- Inefficient washing
- Waxy and/or heavy type products that sit on the hair/scalp (certain oils are heavy and if applied to the scalp causes build up)
- Not thoroughly rinsing the hair before applying conditioner
- Not completely rinsing out the conditioner before applying shampoo (CWC method)
- Overlapping or over using heavy silicone laden products
- Applying to much product to the scalp
- Applying to many products to the hair
- Not cleaning the scalp well
- Hair colour rinces aplied to frequnt and not shampoo or rinsed out properly
The best way to remove product build up on hair is to use a clarifying shampoo. Actually, I use a 2 step method of shampooing. Clarifying shampoos are formulated to clean the hair giving it that squeaky to almost too squeaky clean feeling that lets you know that it’s clean. Clarifying shampoos should not be used regularly like your regular shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar rinses can be used to remove product build up film as well, but I definitely suggest using with caution because over use of ACV can cause your once supple soft hair feel like straw!
When applying product to your hair, be mindful that less is best. You don’t want to weigh the hair down. If you do want to weigh it down, use a product that is designed to do that job.
Reduce the amount of products you use on your hair. Layering the hair with products is probably an unnecessary step, especially if you are trying to figure out what each product does for your hair.
Get some shampoo on the scalp and give it a good cleaning every now and then to remove the products that have been sitting on it. After shampooing and you run your nails across your scalp, you shouldn’t have gunk under your nails. I call deep cleansing. and I provide this to my clients as a treatment.
Thanks for these tips!!! So encouraging to me, since I’m a newby. I thought that it was extremely simple and valuable! I have curly hair and it is difficult to take care of it consistently… And if you want to know more about how to take care and Style your hair and how to be new and diverse consistently, simply check my 4C hair blog