Monday, 23 January 2012

I also do mens hair

Things you need to think about when you want to colour your hair

1)   Dyes with harsh chemicals are not the only option if you want colorful tresses. Buy box (or ask your stylist if he/she uses) dyes without ammonia or PPD. Not only can they damage your hair over time, but some are allergic to PPD.
There are also natural alternatives, such as henna.

Advice on hair Colouring

So you want a colour now????

It is important to seek expert hair advice when choosing a hair color especially when the color is the complete opposite of the style you are wearing currently.

Expert advice is needed because you must consider a few factors before beginning to transform your image. Choosing a hair color is always fun and a change to your look is great, but your hair color should always complement unique features such as your skin tone, personality and life style.

Choosing a color to suit your individual style is important because when you love you look it will shine through in your confidence.

you are what you eat?????

My hairs breaking????   what can i do??  
 Hair gets its nutrients from the blood, so if our blood is lacking iron,  our hair will grow weak and start to fall out. Stress is the culprit for a lot of different illnesses, depleting our bodies of nutrients such as vitamin C. You may say, "Stress is part of life". Sure it is, but it's how we perceive it and handle it that really matters. Adding an exercise routine to your daily life and taking breaks will help you manage stress more effectively. All in all, a healthy balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrates will take care of the internal requirements of the body.
Exercise will eliminate and manage stress from being harboured in the body, while drinking your eight glasses of water per day will regulate flow, remove toxins, and hydrate the body. Let's not forget a good restful sleep to recharge our batteries! All this, coupled with professional advice and subsequent treatments, will help improve on any type of hair loss.
 good luck

hope you like your new colour

natural hair natural beauty